Wellness Programs

Private Consultations

A Therapeutic Alternative offers Private Consultations with our Dispensary Owner.

In this private consultation our company’s owner will use her 20+ years of study and experience with medical cannabis to help you find the product and dosage that is best for your symptoms.

Consultations include extensive information on properties and use of products, administration techniques, cannabinoid ratios, and dosages.

To schedule a private consultation, please email:

[email protected]

Private Consultations are conducted over the phone or via google meeting (internet meeting).

Private Consultations

Medical Consultation

For many people, it can be hard to find specific answers to their medical questions regarding cannabis. Becoming educated on
cannabis is like learning a new language, and it’s always easiest to learn
with the help of someone already fluent (ideally a medical
professional). Take the guesswork out by speaking to a cannabis trained

  • Get answers from a trusted medical professional
  • Get educated on cannabis (both marijuana and hemp)
  • Find medical resources (cannabis clinicians and support groups)

Giving Compassion Program

In our intention to help those in need, A Therapeutic Alternative has established the Giving Compassion Program. The program serves members experiencing both physical and financial hardships. We provide qualifying members with free medical cannabis products and a 30% discount. Furthermore, we invite our product providers to extend compassion and care directly to those patients who are most in need.

The Compassion Program is intended for patients that are fighting a debilitating illness and have been approved for disability income. Members will be required to provide proof of income and diagnosis with their applications. This program will serve those members with the most physical and financial need.

For questions on our Compassion Program, please e-mail [email protected]